15,525 Pageviews
Dec. 14th - Jan. 14th

Relaxing Lisa

by unknown artist

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Rate this picture - current rating is 2.90
Latest user comments:
creed (corbin):
Would someone please be so kind and explain the process for assigning a pic to the bad pics section. I was under the ,apparently, mistaken impression that the sole criteria was that the pic was not related to or failed to incorporate some element of the original Mona Lisa. I assume this meant either "Mona" or the background or both.
Since almost all my post are immediately rated at a five by 2 or 3 viewers I assume I have some detractors and that is fine. Shortly thereafter,however, almost all of them end up in the bad pics section often with only 2 or three people having voted. My post, with 2 or 3 exceptions. all incorporate some element of the original painting. of I too, find many posting that I do not like and do not consider valid but I do not report them as "bad Pics". I leave them for all to see and judge and vote upon which is what i think the site was intended for, the entertainment of the viewers that is. Personally, I think the wide variety of impressions of Mona are very entertaining. I would like to think that the old adage "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" would apply to this site. I would encourage everyone to allow everyone the opportunity to decide for themselves.