15,759 Pageviews
Dec. 13th - Jan. 13th


by unknown artist

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Rate this picture - current rating is 3.26
Latest user comments:
Very nice touch, I like the color combination and I rate it a 2.
However, I am more concerned with getting my post "peek-a-boo Mona", "Hmmm", "Mona Relaxes", "In The Pale", "mona display", "gaze" returned to the main gallery from the bad pics section where they have been erroneously relegated. Thank you for any and all help with this. It seems to be a chronic problem with this site although I cannot conceive of anyway of preventing it so long as everyone is allowed input, and that admittedly is one of the positive features of this site in my opinion.
I would like to see suggestions from other users of this site as to how to maintain the individual input but disallow what are obviously bogus assignments to the bad pic section. I do enjoy the site very much and hope that it continues to provide this outlet for all of us despite the many postings which do belong in the bad pics site. If everyone would simply adhere to the "no Mona Lisa" criteria the problem would diminish greatly. Thanks.