33,100 Pageviews
Feb. 28th - Mar. 28th

Mona Lisa for your site!

Do you want to have a constantly updating Mona Lisa on your web site?

It's easy! Just place the following code on an appropriate place into your HTML code (inside the <body> section):
<a href="http://www.megamonalisa.com" target="_blank">
<img src="http://www.megamonalisa.com/random.php" alt="Mega Mona Lisa Picture" />
The Mona Lisa on your site will look like this:

Mona Lisa Picture Mona Lisa Picture Mona Lisa Picture

Just reload this page to see the above images changing. You can also put on your site the following static icon:

Mona Lisa Icon

You can do this by saving the above icon (via the right-mouse click) as a GIF file and placing the following code on an appropriate place into your HTML code (inside the <body> section):
<a href="http://www.megamonalisa.com" target="_blank">
<img src="megamonalisa-icon.gif" alt="Mega Mona Lisa Icon" />
Remeber that by placing the links on your site you are supporting Mega Mona Lisa!

Thank you!